First Steps

Embark on your journey to preparedness with our 'First Steps' series, a comprehensive guide tailored for those taking the initial plunge into the world of prepping. These articles serve as a roadmap for beginners, offering practical insights and step-by-step instructions on how to initiate your preparedness journey. From assembling a basic emergency kit to understanding essential survival principles, 'First Steps' equips you with the foundational knowledge needed to navigate uncertain times. Join us as we demystify the art of prepping, empowering you to take those crucial first steps toward a more resilient and self-reliant future.
Disaster Scenario Master List
In a world filled with uncertainty, being prepared for potential disasters is not just a choice but a necessity. Whether you're a seasoned prepper or just beginning your journey into survivalism, having a comprehensive checklist is crucial for ensuring you have the right tools and supplies when disaster strikes. At, we understand the importance of community-driven preparedness, and we're inviting you to help us create the ultimate disaster preparedness checklist.
Our Disaster Scenario Lists:
We've compiled a list of potential disaster scenarios, categorized into two main groups: "Global" and "Country/Regional" disasters. The global disasters include events that can impact people worldwide, such as pandemics, solar flares, or economic collapses. On the other hand, the country/regional disasters are specific to geographical areas and might include hurricanes, earthquakes, or localized power outages.
Your Input Matters:
While we've done our best to create a comprehensive list of potential disaster scenarios, we firmly believe that the wisdom of the crowd can improve our preparedness efforts. Your unique insights and experiences can help us refine our checklist and ensure that we've considered every possible scenario.
ELI5 Steps to Prepping (Explain Like I'm 5)
If you are new to prepping it can often be overwhelming, and many do not know where to start. It's made more difficult because every person lives differently, and has different challenges to face. Here's a simple guide to get you going.
The following guidelines will help you get started, and hopefully guide you to be a successful prepper.
STAGE 0 (do this today)
Make a list of all the events that have happened in your area (your city, your state/province) in the last 2 years. Power outages, tornadoes, hurricanes, snowstorms, floods, drought, wildfires, riots, blizzard, et cetera. (there's a full list here Disaster Scenario Master List )
For each event, list what disturbances it caused to the people who were affected by it. So maybe a tornado hit 50 kilometres away... you were not affected by it, but what happened to the people who were. Looking another way, how would you have been affected if it struck your house/business? Include how long the effects lasted.
What would you need to get through that event when it happens next? Make a list of the food, water, power, 1st aid, and such so that WHEN (not IF) this happens next year, you can carry on with life as if nothing is happening.
Essential Communication Tools for Preppers: Staying Connected in a Crisis
In times of crisis, communication becomes paramount for survival and coordination among preppers. When traditional communication channels fail, having reliable and effective communication tools can make all the difference. This article will explore essential communication tools for preppers, ensuring that you stay connected in a crisis situation.
1. Marine Radios
For preppers who are near or on water bodies, marine radios are crucial for communication. Marine radios are designed for use on boats and watercraft. They operate on specific frequencies designated for marine communications and allow you to communicate with other vessels, marinas, and emergency services.
For a survivalist or someone engaged in maritime activities, various types of marine communications can be invaluable. These communication systems ensure safety, enable emergency assistance, provide weather updates, and facilitate general communication while at sea. Here are explanations of the usefulness of different types of marine communications:
- How to Prepare for a Disaster: 10 Steps to Ensure Survival
Natural disasters or man-made crises can strike at any moment, leaving entire communities in chaos. When everything around you is in disarray, it can be difficult to know what steps to take to ensure your safety and that of your family. However, with some planning and preparation, you can increase your chances of survival. Here are ten essential steps to help you weather the storm.
Establish Communication
In times of crisis, effective communication is essential to keep your loved ones and team members safe. The first step to preparing for an emergency is to establish a reliable means of communication with your family and team. Waiting until an emergency has already happened to develop a plan for communication can be too late, so it's important to do it as quickly as possible.
If your family members or team members are not in proximity, you'll need to develop a plan for how you'll communicate with each other during an emergency. It's crucial to keep in mind that during certain disasters, such as an EMP, communication over electrical devices may not be possible. This is why it's important to have alternative means of communication, like a ham radio, as a backup option.
- New to Prepping? [Superseded]
This article has been superseded by ELI5 Steps to Prepping (Explain Like I'm 5).
- Power 101
A great many people want to produce their own power, but have no idea where to start.
Before you can look at the sources for your power, you need to know how much you will need. Everybody is different, and every house is different. A selection of different appliances can make a large difference in your requirements. Even having identical appliances but in a different region can make a difference.- Preparing for Natural Disasters: A Comprehensive Guide
Natural disasters can strike unexpectedly, causing immense damage and posing significant threats to human lives and infrastructure. From hurricanes and floods to earthquakes and wildfires, it is essential to be prepared for such events to ensure the safety and well-being of yourself and your loved ones. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore various aspects of preparing for natural disasters, including assessing risks, creating an emergency plan, building an emergency kit, securing your property, staying informed, assisting vulnerable populations, and fostering community resilience. By following these guidelines, you can enhance your resilience and readiness when faced with a natural disaster.
1. Assessing Risks and Understanding Disasters
The first step in preparing for natural disasters is to assess the risks specific to your region. Research and understand the types of disasters that commonly occur in your area, such as hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, wildfires, or tsunamis. Evaluate the likelihood and potential impact of these events based on historical data and expert advice. Consider reaching out to local emergency management agencies or accessing online resources to gather relevant information about the risks in your community.
- Preparing for Prosperity: The Overlooked Aspect of Survivalism
In the world of prepping and survivalism, much emphasis is placed on preparing for worst-case scenarios and doomsday scenarios. However, what if society doesn't collapse, and things actually improve over the years? In this article, we explore the often overlooked aspect of survivalism – preparing for prosperity. Specifically, we delve into the potential challenges and opportunities that preppers might face if the world continues on its current level or experiences positive developments.
Adapting Survival Skills to Everyday Life: Embracing Self-Sufficiency for a Thriving Future
Preppers, often associated with an intense focus on disaster scenarios, possess a unique skill set that extends beyond the realm of doomsday preparations. These survival skills, cultivated with the intent of navigating crises, can seamlessly integrate into everyday life, fostering self-sufficiency and resilience in a world that is continually evolving. By shifting the narrative from solely preparing for catastrophic events to embracing a lifestyle of preparedness, individuals can not only navigate potential challenges but also contribute positively to their well-being and independence.
- Prepping on a Budget: Tips for Economical Disaster Preparedness
In today’s uncertain world, being prepared is crucial, especially when it comes to disasters and emergencies. Whether you're a seasoned prepper or just beginning your journey toward disaster readiness, the cost of supplies can sometimes be prohibitive. However, with careful planning and strategic budgeting, you can significantly reduce expenses while still ensuring that you have the necessary resources for survival. This article provides practical tips for prepping on a budget, helping you to create a robust emergency kit without breaking the bank.
Assess Your Needs
The first step in any preparedness plan is assessing your specific needs. What are the essentials? For most people, this includes water, food, medical supplies, and basic shelter items. Start by listing these essential items based on your family size and health requirements. This will help you focus your efforts and avoid unnecessary expenditures.
- Water: Look for large bottles or jugs that come at a reduced price per liter.
- Canned Goods: Dried beans, pasta, rice, tuna, and other non-perishable foods are great choices. Always check the expiration date to ensure you're not buying expired items.
- Dried Fruits and Nuts: These can be added to your diet as a healthy snack or used in recipes.
Buy in Bulk
One of the most effective ways to save money while prepping is by buying essential items in bulk. Many stores offer discounts when purchasing larger quantities, and over time, these savings can add up significantly. Additionally, buying in bulk allows you to reduce packaging waste, which is environmentally friendly and cost-effective.
Grow Your Own Food
If you have the space and time, growing your own food is one of the best ways to reduce costs while increasing self-sufficiency. Start by selecting easy-to-grow vegetables that are nutritious and require minimal resources.
- Tomatoes: These require full sun but produce large yields.
- Carrots: They grow well in containers and provide high nutritional value.
- Leafy Greens (Spinach, Lettuce): These plants grow quickly and can be harvested multiple times per season.
Utilize Free Resources
There are numerous free resources available that can help you save money on your prepping journey:
- Community Gardens: Check if there's an existing community garden in your area. Many local governments sponsor these as a way to encourage sustainable living.
- Food Banks: Many communities have food banks where you can obtain non-perishable items for free.
- Homesteading Forums and Websites: These platforms often offer tips on how to reduce expenses while building up your survival skills.
DIY Projects
Making use of DIY projects is another great way to stretch your budget further. There are countless tutorials available online for crafting everything from water storage tanks to solar-powered lights. Not only does this help you save money, but it also gives you the satisfaction of creating something yourself.
- Water Storage Tanks: You can convert empty plastic jugs into makeshift containers by drilling holes and attaching spigots.
- Emergency Lighting: Make use of inexpensive LED bulbs that last longer than traditional incandescent ones. You can even build your own emergency flashlights out of simple components.
Practice Smart Shopping
Even when you're buying supplies, there are ways to cut costs:
- Shop Seasonally: Buy fruits and vegetables at their peak season when they’re cheaper and fresher.
- Compare Prices: Always check for deals or coupons before making a purchase.
- Use Multiple Suppliers: Sometimes local suppliers will offer better prices than large retailers.
Educate Yourself
Knowledge is one of the greatest tools you can have as a prepper. Attend workshops, read books, and participate in online forums to learn about various aspects of preparedness. Many resources are free or low-cost, so take advantage of any opportunity available. Understanding how different systems work—whether it's water filtration methods or building shelters—can also help you make informed decisions that could save money.
Build Long-Term Relationships
Building relationships within your community can be incredibly beneficial for prepping purposes. By joining groups focused on survival skills, sharing resources becomes much easier and more efficient. Whether it's trading seeds with neighbors during a gardening exchange or pooling together to buy large quantities of food at once, working together reduces overall costs.
- Survival Skills 101: Essential Techniques for Beginners
In a world filled with uncertainties, having basic survival skills is crucial for everyone. Whether you find yourself in a natural disaster, lost in the wilderness, or facing a societal collapse, knowing how to survive in challenging situations can mean the difference between life and death. In this article, we will explore some essential survival skills that beginners can learn and practice to increase their chances of survival when faced with unexpected circumstances.
1. Shelter Building
One of the first priorities in a survival situation is shelter. Understanding how to create a shelter using natural materials can provide protection from the elements and help maintain body temperature. Learn to identify suitable locations and utilize available resources such as branches, leaves, and debris to construct a sturdy and insulated shelter.
- The Survival Medicine Handbook: A Guide for When Help Is Not on the Way
If there is one book you are buying this year, this should be it. On land, or on the sea, this is the one book you need when it comes to medical emergencies.
- The Ultimate Guide to Bug-Out Vehicle Types
Why People Bug Out: Understanding the Need for Emergency Evacuation
In recent years, the concept of "bugging out" has gained popularity in the emergency preparedness community. But what does it mean to "bug out" and why do people feel the need to do it? In this article, we will delve into the reasons behind bug out strategies and their importance in emergency situations.
What is "bugging out"?
Firstly, let's define what it means to "bug out". In simple terms, it is the act of leaving your home or current location in response to a perceived threat or danger. This could be a natural disaster, civil unrest, or any other situation that requires quick evacuation. It can also refer to leaving a densely populated area and moving to a safer location, such as a rural area or a designated emergency shelter.
- Water Filtration and Purification Methods for Emergency Situations
In emergency situations, access to clean and safe drinking water becomes a top priority. Natural disasters, such as earthquakes or hurricanes, can disrupt water supplies, leaving individuals without a reliable source of potable water. That's why understanding different water filtration and purification methods is crucial for preppers. This article will explore various water filtration and purification methods that can be employed in emergency situations, ensuring that you have access to clean drinking water when it's needed the most.
1. Boiling Water
Boiling water is one of the simplest and oldest methods of water purification. By bringing water to a rolling boil for at least one minute (or three minutes at higher altitudes), you can kill most microorganisms and pathogens that cause waterborne illnesses. Boiling is effective against bacteria, viruses, and parasites. However, boiling does not remove chemical contaminants or impurities.
- How to Prepare for a Disaster: 10 Steps to Ensure Survival