
Protect your sailboat and crew from potential threats. Learn strategies for self-defense, safeguarding your supplies, and maintaining situational awareness on the open water.
The following articles are all about security, before, during, and after emergency events and disasters.
Are Catamarans Safe For Ocean Crossing?
Catamarans aren't the most common ocean-crossing sailboats, but they're surprisingly safe and capable offshore.
Author sailing his 38' Catamaran in the Caribbean Catamarans are safe for ocean crossings. In fact, catamarans are often much safer than similarly-sized monohulls offshore. Safety comes from increased motion comfort, great stability, speed, and excess buoyancy due to lack of ballast.
In this article, we’ll examine if catamarans are safe (or safer) than monohulls for offshore cruising and ocean passages. We’ll also examine the benefits of cruising catamaran design, along with how these vessels handle in different offshore conditions.
We gathered the information used in this article from offshore sailing guides and reputable catamaran experts. We also examined design guidelines for offshore cruising boats, including head-to-head tests done between catamarans and other vessels.
Borders: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
October 11, 2022.
The Russian invasion of Ukraine continues to falter, as Russian troops run low on everything.
Within the last two weeks Russia began conscripting civilians to join the military, in a desparate attempt to bolster troop numbers. This resulted in an immediate flood of Russian citizens attempting to escape the country, trying to avoid the draft. On the first night, airports were packed as every aircraft leaving Russia was sold out. Borders with neighbouring Finland and other Baltic countries had long queues of vehicle and foot traffic.
This brings to mind the questions of borders, and their benefits and drawbacks... The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly.
Build The Wall!
There are some people in the USA that are very confusing. One minute they will be screaming that you can't trust the government, "Big Brother is out to get you". The next minute those same people are hollering "Build the wall!".
Borders are designed primarily to keep foreigners out. But those same walls can also be used to keep citizens in.
Crossing Borders in a Crisis: Passports, Cash, Credit, & Respectability
Guest article by Penrod
We recently sent in our passports for renewal. While we don’t do a lot of international traveling- maybe once in 5 years or so- we do keep our passports up to date. Ours expire in August, and since some countries won’t allow entry on a passport with less than six months left on it, it was time to renew. Yes, that does mean that for certain purposes, like entry to another country, passports for practical purposes expire six months before they say they do.
It is true that if things are so bad in the US that we must flee the country, other places may be worse, or may simply refuse Americans entry. On the other hand, getting from Point A in the US to Point B in the US MIGHT require crossing a border. I used to drive from Wisconsin to New England every summer. I usually took the US route, but once I tried the Canadian route. That is where a passport would be critical: it provides route options not open to people who don’t have passports.
Avoiding a problem area in the US might require a circuitous route, either by driving or flying into another country. If one wanted to get from New England to Idaho during a major breakdown in which the entire Midwest was already in chaos, it might be safer/faster to either drive or fly through Canada. Circumstances at the time would dictate that of course, but not having a passport closes off the option.
Cruising in a Disaster: Signs to Look Out For When Sailing in an Emergency Situation
Living on a sailboat as part of your preparedness strategy offers unique advantages, especially when it comes to navigating through or escaping from emergency situations and societal collapse. However, just like any other form of travel, there are risks involved—some more subtle than others. Understanding the signs that indicate a situation is deteriorating can make all the difference in ensuring your safety and comfort during an emergency.
Recognizing Early Warning Signs
Economic Instability: One of the first signs you may notice before social collapse occurs is economic instability. Currency values fluctuate wildly, inflation spirals out of control, and goods and services become increasingly expensive without a corresponding increase in quality. In extreme cases, essential items like food and fuel might not be available at all due to shortages or government rationing. If you're observing these patterns while on your sailboat, it’s wise to start thinking about relocating to safer waters sooner rather than later.
Political Turmoil: Political instability often precedes broader societal collapse. You may observe increased military presence around key infrastructure such as ports and airports; this could signal heightened tensions or impending conflict. The media might report more frequently on political unrest, civil protests, strikes, or even violent actions by factions within the population. Additionally, government officials may issue increasingly urgent calls for calm or emergency measures which indicate growing dissatisfaction among citizens.
Social Unrest: Social unrest manifests differently across cultures but generally involves an increase in crime rates and lawlessness. Criminals exploit situations of chaos to seize control over valuable resources like food supplies or transportation networks. This can lead to looting, vandalism, and other forms of property destruction. An atmosphere of fear might set in as people become wary of strangers and less willing to cooperate with authorities.
Physical Signs of Deterioration
Infrastructure Failure: Infrastructure failures are another critical indicator that something is going wrong within society. Power outages could last for days or even weeks without any sign of restoration, leading to widespread discomfort and disruption. Water supply systems may fail entirely if not properly maintained during periods of unrest or war, resulting in severe shortages and health hazards.
Communication Disruptions: Communication disruptions can also serve as early warnings about looming disasters. Cellular networks might degrade rapidly due to lack of maintenance or intentional interference by hostile forces attempting to spread misinformation. Satellite phones could become unreliable too since they rely heavily on satellite coverage that may be interrupted during conflicts involving space assets.
Strategic Navigation Tips
Avoid Conflict Zones: It's important for preppers and survivalists alike to avoid areas where conflict is likely, whether natural disasters or human-made ones. Familiarize yourself with maps of potential conflict zones so you know which routes to steer clear from when navigating through disaster-stricken regions. For example, if there’s a known oil spill in the area, consider going around rather than sailing through it.
Stay Informed: Keeping up-to-date with local news sources will help you stay informed about emerging crises and avoid areas where things are getting worse faster than elsewhere. Reliable maritime channels can provide real-time updates on weather patterns and other navigational hazards. By staying proactive and aware, you'll be better equipped to make sound decisions regarding your course of action during challenging times.
Develop Alternative Plans: Finally, having multiple backup plans is crucial for any emergency scenario. Depending on the nature of the disaster, different strategies might prove more effective than others. For instance, if a hurricane threatens your current location, knowing alternative anchorages nearby could save lives. Similarly, maintaining relationships with local marinas and captains who operate in various parts of the world allows you to adjust course swiftly when conditions change unexpectedly.
Sailing through or away from disaster zones requires vigilance and preparation. By recognizing early warning signs like economic instability, political turmoil, social unrest, infrastructure failure, communication disruptions, and staying informed about potential conflict areas, preppers can enhance their chances of successfully navigating through emergencies safely. Developing alternative plans and maintaining a network of supportive contacts further strengthens your resilience in such situations.
By being attuned to these indicators and taking appropriate precautions, you're setting yourself up for success whether dealing with natural disasters or broader societal collapse. Remember that careful observation and strategic navigation are key components of effective disaster preparedness when sailing on a sailboat.
How Long Would Society Last During a Total Grid Collapse?
What happens when the lights go out? It's likely that you've experienced a power outage that lasted a few hours, but few people have experience with days or weeks long power loss.
On our Northern Ontario farm we were affected by the Northeast blackout of 2003 (click here to see the Wikipedia article). While that blackout was fixed within 2 days, it did make many people stop and think. On our farm we already had several generators, and the ability to switch over to them. Since we lived on well water and a septic system, the power outage had nearly no affect on our life. We switched over to the generators and started them every few hours to pump water, cool the fridge/freezers, and cook food. Since this happened during the summer, heating was luckily not an issue.
We have also gone through several blackouts during the winter that were just as long (or longer), but much more localised. Again, they had little impact on our day-to-day living.
We now live on our catamaran and provide all our own electrical power. This means that we are not affected by grid blackouts, with the exception of cell phone service and grocery shopping.
How to Prepare for a Disaster: 10 Steps to Ensure Survival
Natural disasters or man-made crises can strike at any moment, leaving entire communities in chaos. When everything around you is in disarray, it can be difficult to know what steps to take to ensure your safety and that of your family. However, with some planning and preparation, you can increase your chances of survival. Here are ten essential steps to help you weather the storm.
Establish Communication
In times of crisis, effective communication is essential to keep your loved ones and team members safe. The first step to preparing for an emergency is to establish a reliable means of communication with your family and team. Waiting until an emergency has already happened to develop a plan for communication can be too late, so it's important to do it as quickly as possible.
If your family members or team members are not in proximity, you'll need to develop a plan for how you'll communicate with each other during an emergency. It's crucial to keep in mind that during certain disasters, such as an EMP, communication over electrical devices may not be possible. This is why it's important to have alternative means of communication, like a ham radio, as a backup option.
When ever there is talk of living on sailboats, that talk inevitably turns to pirates.
While it is scary, and there is no denying that piracy exists, the simple fact is that it is blown out of proportion. Why do we hear about it around the globe when pirates strike? Because it is so rare an event that it is newsworthy.
Compare that to school shootings in the USA. How many did you hear about in the news? If you had to guess, how many would you say there have been this year?
Preparing for Prosperity: The Overlooked Aspect of Survivalism
In the world of prepping and survivalism, much emphasis is placed on preparing for worst-case scenarios and doomsday scenarios. However, what if society doesn't collapse, and things actually improve over the years? In this article, we explore the often overlooked aspect of survivalism – preparing for prosperity. Specifically, we delve into the potential challenges and opportunities that preppers might face if the world continues on its current level or experiences positive developments.
Adapting Survival Skills to Everyday Life: Embracing Self-Sufficiency for a Thriving Future
Preppers, often associated with an intense focus on disaster scenarios, possess a unique skill set that extends beyond the realm of doomsday preparations. These survival skills, cultivated with the intent of navigating crises, can seamlessly integrate into everyday life, fostering self-sufficiency and resilience in a world that is continually evolving. By shifting the narrative from solely preparing for catastrophic events to embracing a lifestyle of preparedness, individuals can not only navigate potential challenges but also contribute positively to their well-being and independence.
Sailboat Security: Protecting Your Vessel from Pirates and Looters
Sailing the high seas is an adventure that many sailors relish. The sense of freedom, the beauty of the open water, and the thrill of exploration are some of the reasons why sailing is an enduring pastime. However, sailing also has its share of risks and dangers. Pirates and looters, for instance, can pose a significant threat to sailors and their vessels. This article aims to provide practical tips and advice on how sailors can protect themselves from piracy and looting while sailing. The thesis of this article is that sailboat security measures can be implemented to protect against piracy and looting. The article will begin with an overview of the potential dangers of piracy and looting and then discuss the various security measures that sailors can take to protect their vessels.
Understanding the Risks and Threats
Types of piracy and looting:Pirates and looters can use various tactics to attack vessels. Armed robbery is a common tactic where pirates use guns or other weapons to threaten sailors and loot their vessels. Theft is another tactic where pirates steal valuable items such as electronics, cash, and jewellery. Vandalism is also a common tactic where pirates destroy or damage the vessel. Kidnapping is a rare but possible tactic where pirates abduct sailors for ransom or other purposes.
Crypto-Currency versus Fiat Currency (Dollars, Euros, Pounds) versus Gold
Previously we discussed that money is anything people are willing to exchange, and that value comes from scarcity.
Fiat Currencies
Fiat currency is the least scarce. Any government can print as much money as they like. When this happens too much you get runaway inflation, or hyperinflation. This is currently happening in Venezuela. In the past this happened in Germany in the 1920s, Zimbabwe in the 2000's, and the United States during the Civil War. There's a good article about it here
Self-Defense for Preppers: Techniques and Training for Personal Security
I. Introduction
A. Definition of preppers and their focus on preparedness
Preppers, also known as survivalists or preparedness enthusiasts, are individuals who actively engage in preparing for various emergencies and potential disasters. They understand the importance of being self-reliant and self-sufficient in times of crisis. Preppers focus on acquiring the necessary skills, knowledge, and resources to survive and thrive during challenging situations.
Urban Survival: Strategies for Thriving in a Post-Apocalyptic City
In a post-apocalyptic scenario, urban environments can quickly become challenging and dangerous places to survive. However, with the right strategies and preparation, you can increase your chances of thriving in such conditions. This article will explore essential urban survival strategies to help you navigate and adapt to the unique challenges of a post-apocalyptic city.
1. Establish a Secure Base
Your first priority should be to find or establish a secure base in the urban area. Look for a location that is defensible, preferably with limited access points and ample resources nearby. Consider abandoned buildings, basements, or even fortified structures. Reinforce the entry points and fortify your base to protect against intruders.
Warning Americans: A Dire Future Looms Large
In recent months, the world has been distracted by other pressing concerns—but right under our noses, two North American neighbors have quietly shifted their economic and political landscapes in ways that could fundamentally alter the future for Americans. This isn’t just a trade war; it’s an all-out challenge to U.S. dominance in global markets, supply chains, and energy security.
What happens next could change everything. The article below warns of potential dire consequences and encourages preparedness for preppers and survivalists.
Critical Developments
- Economic Realignment: Canada and Mexico are quietly drawing up blueprints for true economic realignment, diversifying supply chains by strengthening trade ties with Europe and Asia.
- Economic Reckoning: Tariffs imposed by President Trump are driving up grocery prices, disrupting energy supplies, and creating a full-blown supply chain crisis in the U.S. Canadian consumers are enacting a near-total boycott of U.S. products and companies.
- Supply Chain Disruption: American exports to Canada are plummeting as U.S. stores like Walmart are vacant, while Canadian-owned retailers thrive.
- Grocery Store Impact: In grocery stores across Canada, Canadian-made foods are selling out as American products sit on shelves like pariahs. American goods are left unsold while Canadian-owned retailers are thriving.
Canadian Consumer Boycott
Canadian consumers are enacting a near-total boycott of U.S. products and companies. This boycott encompasses all sectors, with the biggest visible impact seen in grocery stores. Canadian-made foods are selling out rapidly as American products sit unsold on shelves.
- Grocery Stores: In Canada, grocery stores are witnessing a dramatic shift. Canadian consumers are purchasing Canadian-made goods exclusively. The U.S. products are filling the warehouses as nobody pruchases them.
- Walmart: Even stores like Walmart, which are predominantly American-owned, are facing empty stores as Canadian consumers avoid U.S. brands.
Current Level of US Exports to Canada
The level of U.S. exports to Canada is substantial and has a significant economic impact. According to recent data:
- Food and Beverages: The U.S. exported $13 billion worth of food and beverages to Canada in 2020.
- Petroleum Products: The U.S. exported $96 billion worth of petroleum products to Canada in 2020.
- Vehicles and Parts: The U.S. exported $75 billion worth of vehicles and parts to Canada in 2020.
- Total Exports to Canada: In 2020, the U.S. exported approximately $416 billion worth of goods to Canada. More than a billion dollars a day is being lost.
Forseeable Outcome: Supply Chain Crisis and Economic Impact
The current level of U.S. exports to Canada is plummeting due to the boycott by Canadian consumers. This has led to a full-blown supply chain crisis:
- Supply Chains: Factories in both countries are stalling as critical parts from Canada and Mexico aren't moving, leading to shutdowns across the U.S.
- Automotive Industry: The auto industry is particularly affected, with car manufacturers facing massive delays due to missing single parts. This highlights how supply chain disruptions can be caused by even small components.
- Tech Companies: Shortages of key materials are driving up costs and slowing down innovation. The longer this crisis drags on, the deeper the financial wounds become.
Economic Impact of the Boycott
The economic impact is widespread and deepening. Key sectors are being hit hard:
- Food and Agriculture: The agricultural sector is feeling the squeeze as rising prices for staples like milk, bread, and eggs affect ordinary people’s wallets.
- Energy Sector: Energy supplies from Canada are being redirected to other markets, leading to higher fuel costs and grid strain in parts of the U.S.
- Fuel Prices: Oil prices have spiked due to key exports re-rooting by Canada, creating supply gaps that drive up fuel costs. Grid strain is also a major issue as Mexico redirects energy supplies away from the U.S.
Long-Term Consequences and Global Shifts
The longer this crisis drags on, the harder it becomes to restart supply chains. The world isn’t waiting for the U.S.:
- New Trade Alliances: Countries in Europe, Asia, and South America are forming new trade alliances, bypassing the U.S. altogether. Global supply chains are shifting, reducing U.S. influence.
- International Investors: International investors are pulling out of U.S. markets faster than they arrived, looking for more predictable returns elsewhere.
The Next Chapter
What’s next? Does Canada and Mexico keep pushing? Will the U.S. double down? Or has the world already moved on without waiting for an answer?
Drop your thoughts in the comments: How do you think this ends?
Where to Hide When the Global Economy Crashes: “Safe Harbors Are Few and Far Between”
The world is constantly changing, and sometimes those changes bring turmoil, uncertainty, and even chaos. In times of global economic collapse, social unrest, and political instability, it's natural to seek out a safe haven where you and your loved ones can ride out the storm. But where can you go to avoid the worst of it?
There are no guarantees in life, and no place is immune from natural disasters, civil unrest, or economic collapse. However, there are some pockets of relative safety around the world that could be more prone to stability than to collapse. If you're looking for a safe harbour in the midst of a global crisis, here are some places you might consider.
If you're looking for a place with a high standard of living, excellent social services, and a strong safety net, the Scandinavian countries of Norway, Sweden, and Denmark are good choices. These countries have low crime rates, high levels of education and health, and stable, democratic governments. They also have strong economies, with a focus on innovation, technology, and sustainability.