

Dive into the ever-changing atmospheric dynamics with our 'Weather' series, where the elements become your compass in the journey towards preparedness. Explore a collection of articles that unravel the mysteries of weather patterns, from decoding forecasts to adapting strategies for survival in various conditions. Whether you're sailing through unpredictable seas or hunkering down on terra firma, our guides provide valuable insights into understanding, predicting, and navigating the elements. Join us as we navigate the stormy seas and temperamental landscapes of weather, empowering you to be not just a survivor but a master of the elements.

  • Preparing For A Hurricane (Living on Land)

    How To Prepare For A Hurricane

    Hurricane from SpaceBeyond Just Flashlights And Batteries

    How often have you heard this ‘typical’ recommendation (from ‘.gov’)?

    "For emergency preparedness keep a disaster supply kit containing 72 hours of food & water, a flashlight with extra batteries, a battery powered radio, and a First Aid Kit."

    While those preps are simply logical, it seems ridiculous to even have to suggest them (who doesn’t already have a flashlight in their home?). What’s worse, it may be portrayed that these ordinary preps are adequate to weather the storm (hurricane?)! Really?

    Here are a few recommendations to help make better decisions and judgements during a time when there’s a hurricane in the forecast:

  • Prepping for Climate Change: Adjusting Your Bug-Out Sailboat for Different Conditions

    In an era marked by unpredictable climate patterns and an increasing sense of urgency surrounding environmental changes, prepping for survival has taken on new dimensions. For many preppers, the conventional bug-out plan may not be sufficient, leading to alternative strategies. One such strategy gaining traction is the use of live-aboard sailboats as bug-out boats. In this article, we will delve into the key considerations for adjusting your bug-out sailboat to navigate the challenges posed by various climate conditions.

    The Versatility of Bug-Out Sailboats

    Live-aboard sailboats offer a unique advantage for preppers seeking refuge from climate-related threats. Unlike static bug-out locations, sailboats provide mobility, enabling preppers to navigate changing conditions and find safer havens. Whether facing extreme temperatures, rising sea levels, or other environmental challenges, a well-equipped sailboat can be a crucial asset in a prepper's toolkit.

    Adapting to Rising Sea Levels

  • Sailing eBooks

    We have found some of the best eBooks on sailing with links to their torrents.

    Marine - Sailing eBooks (37): Get This Torrent

    Marine - Food & Cooking eBooks (13): Get This Torrent

  • Surviving Storms at Sea: Tips for Sailing in Bad Weather

    Sailing can be a serene and enjoyable experience, but it can quickly turn dangerous when the weather takes a turn for the worse. Storms at sea are one of the most significant threats to sailors, with high winds, rough seas, lightning, and flooding all posing significant risks. Surviving storms at sea requires preparation, knowledge, and quick thinking. In this article, we'll discuss tips for sailing in bad weather and how to increase your chances of making it through safely.

    Understanding the Risks of Storms at Sea

    The first step to preparing for storms at sea is to understand the types of storms that sailors can encounter. Thunderstorms, squalls, hurricanes, and nor'easters all present different challenges and hazards. Thunderstorms and squalls can be unpredictable and sudden, with high winds and lightning strikes that can damage or capsize sailboats. Hurricanes and nor'easters are more prolonged and severe, with strong winds and large waves that can cause catastrophic damage to vessels and endanger sailors' lives.