Top 10 Overlooked Survival Tips You Need To Know Today

Top 10 Overlooked Survival Tips You Need To Know Today

The world is facing numerous challenges, from political instability to economic turmoil, and natural disasters like earthquakes and tsunamis. In the face of these threats, it's important to be prepared for whatever comes our way. While there are many survival tips out there, there are some that are often overlooked but could be essential in a survival situation. Here are the top 10 overlooked survival tips you need to know today:

  1. Hide your valuables: It's important to hide your valuables so they can't be stolen, but it's equally important to remember where you've hidden them. A good idea is to bury them in your garden and take a photo of a family member standing in that spot. Put copies of the photo in the family bug out bags and make sure everyone knows what they're for.

  2. Improve your fitness: Any stressful situation calls for physical endurance. Take the time now to get fit so that you're up to the task when called upon. You'll be protecting your health and longevity at the same time.

  3. Move to the suburbs: From a survival point of view, living in the city is a really bad option. In any collapse situation, cities become hotbeds of mayhem. Being in a safe area out in the suburbs will be far safer and likely save you money on your mortgage in the meantime.

  4. Rotate your survival foods: While stockpiling food is essential, the problem lies in keeping it fresh and not wasting money on food that goes bad. An excellent suggestion is to keep taking food from one side of your shelf and replacing it with fresh cans or boxes on the other end of the shelf.

  5. Make sure you've got baking soda: Baking soda has a myriad of health benefits, and most importantly, in a survival scenario it will protect your dental health. All you need is to mix half a teaspoon of baking soda with half a teaspoon of water to form a paste and then use it to brush your teeth.

  6. Learn about the trees and plants in your environment: Whether you're making a rope, looking for drinkable sap, or simply starting a fire, the plants and trees in your immediate surroundings are an invaluable resource. Start learning about what's in your area now and how best to utilize it in a time of need.

  7. Plan your escape: Everyone in your family should receive SERE training, which involves learning when to rest, move, and hide, among other things. It's important to have an escape plan, and the sailboat is a viable option as escaping the city via water will usually be safer and easier than roads that can be closed or have gridlock.

  8. Be ready to secure your person and property: In a collapse situation, civil society quickly disintegrates into violent gangs, so you need to be able to protect yourself and your family. Purchase things like bulletproof vests and barbed wire ahead of time for this purpose.

  9. Be careful who you tell: Don't tell anyone anything they don't need to know. Someone might inadvertently reveal important information about your plans, compromising your security. Even your family members should be informed on a “need-to-know” basis.

  10. Make sure everyone knows the escape plan: Since you never know where everyone might be in case of an emergency, every member of the family needs to know exactly where to meet, how to get there, and any other relevant information. Plan ahead and have family drills so you can be sure of exact time-frames.

In conclusion, being prepared for any kind of emergency situation is essential in today's world. The survival tips provided above may seem small and insignificant, but they can make a huge difference in helping you and your family survive a disaster. It's important to remember that preparation is key, and taking proactive steps now can make all the difference in a time of crisis.

We never know what the future holds, but by taking the time to learn these overlooked survival tips, you can have peace of mind knowing that you and your family are ready for whatever may come your way. So, start implementing these tips today and be prepared for the unexpected.

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