Learning About Liveaboards

Learning About Liveaboards

This article is the result of another post on Facebook, asking for videos and groups to learn about living aboard.

This Youtube series is probably the best. It's The Complete Small Boat Liveaboard Series by Idyllic Dreams. He's got 34 (as of August 2023) short videos, each about 9 minutes long. Every one specializes in one single topic on living aboard a small boat. While I recommend the link above and you watch them all, you can also jump to any of his videos directly below.

  1. Introduction    • Complete Small Liveaboard (Part 1  Si...  
  2. Location    • Complete Small Liveaboard  (Part 2 Lo...  
  3. Heads (Toilets)    • Complete Small Liveaboard (Heads Toil...  
  4. Galleys    • Complete Small Liveaboard (Galleys)  ...  
  5. Berths    • Complete Small Liveaboard (Berths)   ...  
  6. Plumbing    • Complete Small Liveaboard (Plumbing) ...  
  7. Children    • Complete Small Liveaboard Boat (Child...  
  8. Storage    • Complete Small Liveaboard (Storage)  ...  
  9. Mooring    • Complete Small Liveaboard  (Mooring) ...  
  10. Anchoring    • Complete Small Liveaboard (Anchoring)...  
  11. Dinghys and Yacht Tenders    • Complete Small Liveaboard (Part 11 Di...  
  12. Build or Buy (New/Used)    • Complete Small Liveaboard (Part 12 bu...  
  13. Land Transportation    • Complete Small Liveaboard (Part 13 La...  
  14. Cooling and Ventilation    • Complete Small Liveaboard (Part 14 Co...  
  15. Heating    • Complete Small Liveaboard (Part 15 He...  
  16. Powering    • Complete Small Liveaboard (Part 16 Po...  
  17. Hot Water    • Complete Small Liveaboard (Part 17 Ho...  
  18. Steering Systems    • Complete Small Liveaboard (Part 18 St...  
  19. Cockpit Layouts    • Complete Small Liveaboard  (Cockpits)...  
  20. Pets Aboard    • Complete Small Liveaboard (Pets Aboar...  
  21. Security Afloat    • Complete Small Liveaboard (Security) ...  
  22. Internet Afloat    • Complete Small Liveaboard ( Internet/...  
  23. Creating Electricity    • Complete Small Liveaboard (Creating E...  
  24. Hull Maintenance    • Complete Small Liveaboard (Hull Maint...  +
  25. Annual Checklist    • Complete Small Liveaboard (Annual Che...  
  26. Becoming a Liveaboard    • Complete Small Liveaboard  (Becoming ...  
  27. 20 Secrets to long term cruising (Part 1)    • Complete Small Liveaboard  (20 Secret...  
  28. 20 Secrets to long term cruising (Part 2)    • Complete Small Liveaboard  (20 Secret...  
  29. 20 Secrets to long term cruising (Part 3)    • Complete Small Liveaboard  (20 Secret...  
  30. DIY Cleaning the bottom while its still in the water    • DIY Cleaning the bottom while its stil...  
  31. Keeping your Fresh Water Fresh     • Keeping your Fresh Water Fresh  
  32. Attempting to live for free     • Attempting to live for free  


Here's a playlist of random videos I saved. Some may be of interest, some not. But those videos would link to their creator's who will have more videos.

Weather related: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnhEjgAyVg6ZJndhIcKn1V-Li_ci2DwFi

If you are looking at post-apocalyptic sailing, you'll need to know celestial navigation, this series taught me: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLah9ocjQNN0Zr7-oKE58wTzXE4XaQU64E
(note, it's complicated, and if you're not thinking post-apocalypse, then just use your GPS and chart plotter)

Before I bought a sailboat, Captain John taught me a lot: https://www.youtube.com/@skippertips

So did https://www.youtube.com/@DistantShoresTV

Sailing families I used to watch:

Facebook groups:

See also Best Prepping Books

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