Learning Crypto on YouTube

Learning Crypto on YouTube

Videos to watch

  1. How to get started with Bitcoin (2021 updated) by 99bitcoins - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTUqcwoj4X8
  2. How To Set Up Mycelium Wallet & Live Transaction Demo by Bitcoin Basics - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udMvZvMXyHE
  3. Bitcoin Is The Start Of A New Paradigm Shift. We're Still Early | Michael Saylor - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMmJwCpnkA0


Channels to subscribe to

There are some great YouTube channels dealing with Crytpo-currencies. Below is a list of the ones I have found most useful. If you find others that you think are great, let me know.

Altcoin Daily

This channel focuses on news and events in the crypto world. They explain things quite well, though you may need some knowledge of crypto and financing to understand everything. Worth checking out.



This channel discusses crypto in simple, easy to understand terms. They have a large selection of short, 2 minute videos, each focused on one single topic.



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