
Dive deep into the world of sailboats, from choosing the right vessel for your prepper needs to maintenance and navigation. Explore the skills required to make your boat a reliable, self-sufficient platform.

Having lived in Toronto, and then on a farm in Northern Ontario, my move to a catamaran sailboat on the ocean 8 years ago was a big change, but a welcome one. Eight years of living on the oceans has taught me a lot, and re-affirmed my belief that a sailing catamaran is the ultimate in survival shelters.

Sailing eBooks

Sailing eBooks

We have found some of the best eBooks on sailing with links to their torrents.

Marine - Sailing eBooks (37): Get This Torrent

Marine - Food & Cooking eBooks (13): Get This Torrent

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Prepping for Climate Change: Adjusting Your Bug-Out Sailboat for Different Conditions

Prepping for Climate Change: Adjusting Your Bug-Out Sailboat for Different Conditions

In an era marked by unpredictable climate patterns and an increasing sense of urgency surrounding environmental changes, prepping for survival has taken on new dimensions. For many preppers, the conventional bug-out plan may not be sufficient, leading to alternative strategies. One such strategy gaining traction is the use of live-aboard sailboats as bug-out boats. In this article, we will delve into the key considerations for adjusting your bug-out sailboat to navigate the challenges posed by various climate conditions.

The Versatility of Bug-Out Sailboats

Live-aboard sailboats offer a unique advantage for preppers seeking refuge from climate-related threats. Unlike static bug-out locations, sailboats provide mobility, enabling preppers to navigate changing conditions and find safer havens. Whether facing extreme temperatures, rising sea levels, or other environmental challenges, a well-equipped sailboat can be a crucial asset in a prepper's toolkit.

Adapting to Rising Sea Levels

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47-year-old pays $1,900/month to live on a $398,000 sailboat and travel the world: ‘It’s an absolute feeling of freedom’

Brian Trautman spent years working 60-hour weeks as a software engineer at companies like Microsoft. Eventually, he realized that the best part of his day was the bus ride to and from work. On one of those rides, Trautman decided he needed to make a change.

In May 2008, after two years of saving as much as possible, he sold all of his possessions, including a three-bedroom townhouse in Redmond, Washington and embarked on a two-year sabbatical to sail the world.

″[I thought to myself] after two years, I’m going to be ready to come back and know exactly what I want to do for the rest of my life, and I just never came back,” Trautman tells CNBC Make It.

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A Guide to Basic Nautical Terminology for Preppers

A Guide to Basic Nautical Terminology for Preppers

Prepping for the worst - disaster, zombie apocalypse, economic collapse, you name it – is an increasingly popular hobby. As part of their prepping supplies, many folks become interested in acquiring boats. But boats come with a whole new set of terminology and concepts, which can be confusing to the novice. That’s why we’ve compiled this informal guide to some of the most basic nautical terminology and concepts you’ll need to know if you’re thinking about buying a boat.

Boating Lingo 101: Terms to Know


The mast is the vertical spar, or pole, used to support the sails, and it's one of the most recognizable features of a sailboat. Usually made of aluminum or wood, it's usually just a few inches wide, but can be much larger in larger boats.

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100 Point Pre-Passage Inspection Checklist

100 Point Pre-Passage Inspection Checklist

Every boat is different and everyone has different standards with regard to what they require to feel safe when heading out sailing or going on passage.

From my experience I've developed a standard pre-passage checklist. While your boat and requirements will vary, you can use this 100 point checklist as a good starting point to create your own. Hopefully it'll help you avoid a few problems and maybe help you remember something you'd otherwise forgotten.

I've broken the checklist down into ten major categories that cover everything from the top of the mast to the bottom of the keel. I’ve arranged them into an easy to follow checklist with descriptions of what I look for when preparing to head offshore.

Please note there can be no such thing as a complete standard list—it is up to each individual captain and crew to ensure they've done everything necessary prior to setting sail.

1. Rigging

Standing Rigging

☐ 1. Check Turnbuckles: You want to closely inspect all turnbuckles for any cracks or corrosion.  Closely look at any small areas of rust. Rust can be an indicator of a hairline crack.  Any cracked parts, no matter how small the crack, must be replaced. 

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